8885 Rio San Diego Dr., Suite 237, San Diego, CA 92108
+1 ‪(619) 483-1312
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Holistic Center is a lifestyle brand embracing body, beauty, mind & spirit.


Naturally Effective Health Solutions

Welcome to visit our center where every woman is treated with high attention.


Your choice of therapy may be influenced by a range of factors and is very much a personal choice.


Choose from our extensive list of Classes at our Center. We offer classes such as Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga, Pilates etc.


Latest Workshops at The Holistic Centre. To make an apointment , please contact us by email or telephone.

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Every facet of daily life is aligned with the purpose of nurturing, health, harmony, and
spiritual growth and provides a complete experiential education in holistic living.
We specialize in

Popular Treatments

Empower Thyself Initiation

The Empower Thyself Initiation program gives students access to ancient spiritual wisdom and tools that have been kept sacred for thousands of years. Through this two-day program you will have

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Life Activation

The Life Activation creates a positive, lasting shift in your life. It supports you in fulfilling your purpose, brings clarity, and new opportunities. $300

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Spark of Life Distance Healing

Spark of Life is a powerful physical healing modality. It is a distance healing, so you can receive this healing anywhere in the world. It brings in the divine spark,

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Aura Healing

The Aura Healing repairs any damage to your energy field, allowing you to better hold in light energy and keep out negative energy from others. It is a soothing and

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Our Blog

Latest Articles & News

How I Truly Learned to ‘Know Thyself’: The Modern Mystery School

How I Truly Learned to ‘Know Thyself’: The Modern Mystery School

Who is this woman in these photos??? If me from 5 years ago saw these photos, she would be in disbelief. Me from 5 years ago was uncomfortable in...

How I Went from Feeling Powerless to Powerful

How I Went from Feeling Powerless to Powerful

From left to right: My client Holly, my Guide Karla, me, and my client Gillian after initiation on July 25, 2021 Last night I had the honor of...

Video interview: Overcoming lifelong anxiety disorder

I’m really excited to share this video about my journey with The Modern Mystery School and how it helped me overcome lifelong anxiety disorder...


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Healing Center, 176 W street name, New York, NY 10014, United States
Email: Telephone: +1(800)123-4566